In contrast to the new Grant x ZL pic (Grant's twin brother Edgar has yet to appear), I figured I'd begin' showing off some upcoming new characters.
ne of the sketches shows current school boy Deion, standing next to a midget named Alesandro. He's a 21-year-old Italian coming from quite a large family. However, he's one of the many to appear as a midget (or little person as they're often called). But don't let his height fool you...your jaw'll drop once you gaze at the length between his short legs!
The other is of a new set of triplets. These three brothers are known as the Maxwell triplets. On your right is the eldest of the three: Leonard. Next to him is middle bro Lyle, and the youngest is Lance (at left). All three are from the state of Nevada (yet their family's from California), as they're nowhere seen without one another, unless is business of some sort. As of now, they're at the age of 19 or 20 years old; unsure what jobs they hold.
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