Say hello to the Murkow triplets: Sven, Ben 'n Wren, three 19-year-old guys (born roughly 3 minutes apart). Born to a family of Russian immigrants, the three lived in a somewhat crowded community. Sven, the oldest triplet, was considered to be a wild child--Ben, the middle triplet, is more of a wiz kid, so to speak--Wren, the youngest triplet, can be timid, but is also a sly one.
Bein' that their father is an athlete, the boys also take part of some activites as well. They often take trips to go to the boxing ring to practice their skills, as they're quite good at it recently, as well as runnin' around the streets to see who's faster. Despite their athletic skills, the three also take part in academics, Ben bein' slightly smarter than his two brothers.
Up top are two fanart pics of the tripets done by my good friend, Lay. Turns out he did two versions of it (notice the cum's colors..^^)
Bein' that their father is an athlete, the boys also take part of some activites as well. They often take trips to go to the boxing ring to practice their skills, as they're quite good at it recently, as well as runnin' around the streets to see who's faster. Despite their athletic skills, the three also take part in academics, Ben bein' slightly smarter than his two brothers.
Up top are two fanart pics of the tripets done by my good friend, Lay. Turns out he did two versions of it (notice the cum's colors..^^)
Very nice!